About Me
Sharon Wilson
In my 30-year corporate career journey, I've worked on over 20 teams with various leaders, teammates, and clients. I really have an intuitive sense of people, their behavior, and their motivations. I use my expertise to help people uncover what drives and motivates them and where they might be stuck. I always start with the Energy Leadership Assessment because it allows people to really dig into their underlying belief systems. These belief systems have been created by their personal and professional life experiences. So, if people want to create a better life for themselves, create better relationships, or be more productive, they have to understand what drives and motivates them. That is the game changer to help them understand why they are not where they want to be.
In 2009, I was in a place where I was personally and professionally stuck and unhappy, and I blamed that feeling on others in my life. I realized through the experience that I had to make changes to create the life and relationships I desire. I needed to understand what lens I was looking at my life through and understand where those thoughts, feelings, and my underlying belief system were coming from so that I could adjust my lens on the world. I had to start doing things that would help me have better relationships with others. Not the other way around. It had to start with me! I now give others this experience through Energy Leadership Coaching to make an impact in my client’s personal and professional lives.
Leadership & Team Development Consultant
Certified Professional Core Energy Coach
I hold a Master's in Management and Organizational Behavior, am a certified Professional Life Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, and a certified Crucial Conversation Facilitator and DISC-certified trainer and coach. Additionally, I hold certifications in educational programs that equip individuals with conflict management skills, communication skills, change and transition adaptation, and mindset transformation.